Each person at our conference received 10 different “GoKnock” cards in Creole. We wanted to see if there would be interest in them. Our conference was centered on teaching how to evangelize effectively.
We distributed them at the end of the day, along with some other things we had. As I was on the “take down” committee, I didn’t get any photos of them with the cards, but I really DID hear responses. One response I heard over and over, was, “Haitians would probably throw away tracts, but THESE they will keep and hold on to.” I also heard some comments like, “This is something they will keep in a pocket and bring out to show people. And this will be an opening and a witness for the Lord.” The ONLY negative I heard was, “How can we get more? There aren’t enough!!”
So I have encouraged all of those who attended put this in their prayers. They would love to get and distribute a whole lot more, but we are dealing with some of the poorest pastors and evangelists in the country. Their hearts are to win people to the Lord. So, we are praying with them that the Lord will find a way to help them obtain more of the GoKnock cards. Our next conference will be a follow up on this one. It will be teaching them on how to disciple those they lead to the Lord. Prayers would be appreciated.
Don & Karen Davis, Missionaries, Haiti